Temperature Converter

 Temperature Converter

# Celsius to Kelvin
temp = int(input("enter a value in Celsius: "))
print ("Celsius to Kelvin value is:")
print (temp +273.15)

# Kelvin to Celcius
temp = int(input("enter a value in Kelvin: "))
print ("Kelvin to Celsius value is:")
print (temp -273.15)

# Celcius to Farenheit
temp = int(input("enter a value in Celcius: "))
print ("Celsius to Farenheit value is:")
print (temp * 9/5 + 32)

# Kelvin to Farenheit
temp = int(input("enter a value in Kelvin: "))
print ("Kelvin to Farenheit value is:")
print (9/5 * (temp - 273.15) +32)
